Game Boy Interface/Speedrunning Edition

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Game Boy Interface
Author(s) Extrems
Type Utility
Version Rolling release
Licence All rights reserved
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Formerly the (ultra-)low latency version, Game Boy Interface Speedrunning Edition (GBISR) features a simplified video renderer, and aims to meet the needs of most speedrunning communities.


Type A (two-handed)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Logitech Speed Force Nintendo 64 Controller Action
A/B Buttons A/B Buttons or Accelerator/Brake Pedals A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Y/Z Buttons Y/Z Buttons Z Button Select
X Button or Start/Pause X Button or Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad or Steering Wheel +Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad
L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
(Only for Game Boy Advance)
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls
(Only with controller adapter)
C Stick Down C Button Down Toggle input viewer
DK Bongos Controller Active Life Mat Controller Action
Bottom Right/Left Orange Up/Right A/B Buttons
Hand Clap - Button Select
Start/Pause + Button Start
Top Right Blue or Orange Square +Control Pad Right
Top Left Blue Left +Control Pad Left
Blue Up +Control Pad Up
Blue or Orange Down +Control Pad Down

Type B (one-handed)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Logitech Speed Force Nintendo 64 Controller Action
A/B Buttons A/B Buttons or Accelerator/Brake Pedals A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
L/Z Buttons Y/Z Buttons L/Z Buttons Select
R Button or Start/Pause X Button or Start/Pause R Button or Start Start
+Control Pad, Control Stick or C Stick +Control Pad or Steering Wheel +Control Pad, Control Stick or C Buttons +Control Pad
Y/X Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
(Only for Game Boy Advance)
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls
(Only with controller adapter)
L, R, Z and +Control Pad Down Toggle input viewer
DK Bongos Controller Active Life Mat Controller Action
Bottom Right/Left Orange Up/Right A/B Buttons
Hand Clap - Button Select
Start/Pause + Button Start
Blue or Orange Square +Control Pad Right
Blue Left +Control Pad Left
Blue Up +Control Pad Up
Blue or Orange Down +Control Pad Down
Top Left/Right L/R Buttons

Type C (Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Logitech Speed Force Nintendo 64 Controller Action
B/Y or X Buttons A/B Buttons or Accelerator/Brake Pedals A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Z Button Y/Z Buttons Z Button Select
Start/Pause X Button or Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad or Steering Wheel +Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad
L/R or A Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
(Only for Game Boy Advance)
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls
(Only with controller adapter)
C Stick Down C Button Down Toggle input viewer

Type D (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Logitech Speed Force Nintendo 64 Controller Action
Y/B Buttons A/B Buttons or Accelerator/Brake Pedals A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
R Button or Start/Pause Y/Z Buttons L/Z Buttons Select
L/Z Buttons X Button or Start/Pause R Button or Start Start
+Control Pad, Control Stick or C Stick +Control Pad or Steering Wheel +Control Pad, Control Stick or C Buttons +Control Pad
X/A Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
(Only for Game Boy Advance)
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls
(Only with controller adapter)
L, R, Z and +Control Pad Down Toggle input viewer

Type E1 (swapped)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Logitech Speed Force Nintendo 64 Controller Action
X or B/Y or A Buttons A/B Buttons or Accelerator/Brake Pedals A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Z Button Y/Z Buttons Z Button Select
Start/Pause X Button or Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad or Steering Wheel +Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad
L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
(Only for Game Boy Advance)
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls back
(Only with controller adapter)
C Stick Down C Button Down Toggle input viewer

Type E2 (swapped Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Logitech Speed Force Nintendo 64 Controller Action
A/B or Y Buttons A/B Buttons or Accelerator/Brake Pedals A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
Z Button Y/Z Buttons Z Button Select
Start/Pause X Button or Start/Pause Start Start
+Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad or Steering Wheel +Control Pad or Control Stick +Control Pad
L/R or X Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
(Only for Game Boy Advance)
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls back
(Only with controller adapter)
C Stick Down C Button Down Toggle input viewer

Type E3 (swapped The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)

Nintendo GameCube Nintendo GameCube Controller Logitech Speed Force Nintendo 64 Controller Action
B/A Buttons A/B Buttons or Accelerator/Brake Pedals A/B Buttons A/B Buttons
R Button or Start/Pause Y/Z Buttons L/Z Buttons Select
L/Z Buttons X Button or Start/Pause R Button or Start Start
+Control Pad, Control Stick or C Stick +Control Pad or Steering Wheel +Control Pad, Control Stick or C Buttons +Control Pad
Y/X Buttons L/R Buttons L/R Buttons
(Only for Game Boy Advance)
Reset Button B, X and Start/Pause Buttons B, X and Start/Pause Buttons Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons Power Switch
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
B, X and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Z, R, A, B and Start Buttons
(Hold for 0.5 seconds)
Reset Button X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 1.5 seconds)
L, R and Start Buttons Recalibrate controller
X, Y and Start/Pause Buttons
(Hold for 3 seconds)
Swap controls back
(Only with controller adapter)
L, R, Z and +Control Pad Down Toggle input viewer


Set offset (default: 0).
Set zoom (default: 2.0).
Set rotation (default: 0).
Set controller polling rate. Use if your third-party controller or controller adapter is malfunctioning.
Not applicable to Nintendo 64 Controllers using a passive connector adapter.
0: VSync (most compatible)
1: 1000Hz (default)
2: 500Hz
3: 350Hz
4: 300Hz
5: 250Hz
6: 200Hz
7: 150Hz
8: 150Hz
9: 125Hz
10: 125Hz
11: 100Hz
Set autofire interval (default: 0).
Set control scheme. The default is the Game Boy Player Start-up Disc's Controller setting (0 or 1).
0: Type A (two-handed)
1: Type B (one-handed)
2: Type C (Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)
3: Type D (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
4: Type E1 (swapped)
6: Type E2 (swapped Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2)
7: Type E3 (swapped The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
  • --control=0:1:2:3 Set control type A, B, C, D on controller socket 1, 2, 3, 4.
  • --control=4 Set control type E1 on all controller sockets.
Note: A Game Boy Advance used as a controller is a Nintendo GameCube Controller.
Set which duplicate button acts as the turbo button.
0: None (default)
1: A, Select or L Button
2: B, Start or R Button
3: Both
--control-stretch, --no-control-stretch
Enable use of L/R Buttons for wide/normal screen mode with Game Boy Game Paks (default: no).
Set reset delay (default: 73).
Set video buffering (default: 1). Setting this option to 0 is not recommended.
--movie=<path>, --no-movie
Play input log (default: no).
--movie-record, --no-movie-record
Record input log (default: no).
--overlay=<path>, --no-overlay
Load texture palette for graphic overlays (default: frame-srgb.tpl.gz).
Set texture palette index for graphic overlay. The default is the Game Boy Player Start-up Disc's Frame setting (0 to 19).
Set texture scale for graphic overlay (default: auto).
Set image scaling filter. Setting this option to nearest is not recommended when using fractional scaling.
nearest: Nearest-neighbor interpolation (fastest)
bilinear: Bilinear interpolation
area: Sharp bilinear interpolation (default)
box: Inverse sharp bilinear interpolation
--palette=<#rgbx,#rgbx,#rgbx,#rgbx>, --palette=<xxxx-xxxx-xxxx>, --no-palette
Apply Super Game Boy color palette (default: no).
  • --palette=719 Set color palette 2-H.
  • --palette=#8000,#AF3F,#FAB7,#FFFF
Note: Press Left + B while the Game Boy logo is visible for proper application on original Game Boy Game Paks.
--lut3d=<path>, --no-lut3d
Load 32x32x32 lookup table in PNG file format (default: no).
Overrides --matrix, --input-gamma, --brightness, --contrast, --saturation, --hue and --blend.
Specify lookup table order (default: gbr).
Set color matrix (default: gbi).
This translates the RGB color primaries to the standard RGB color space.
identity: Identity matrix
gba: Game Boy Advance (by Pokefan531)
gbc: Game Boy Color (by Pokefan531)
gbc-dev: Gameboy Hi-Colour Convertor (by Pokefan531)
gbi: Game Boy Interface
nds: Nintendo DS (by Pokefan531)
palm: Palm Treo 700p (by Pokefan531)
psp: PlayStation Portable (by Pokefan531)
vba: VisualBoyAdvance-M (by Pokefan531)
Set quick color profile.
Overrides --matrix, --input-gamma, --output-gamma, --brightness and --contrast.
srgb: Emulator
gba: Game Boy Advance
gbc: Game Boy Color
gbc-dev: Gameboy Hi-Colour Convertor
gbi: Game Boy Interface (2015–2017)
nds: Nintendo DS
palm: Palm Treo 700p
psp: PlayStation Portable
vba: VisualBoyAdvance-M
--daltonize=<normal|protan|deutan|tritan>, --anomalize=<normal|protan|deutan|tritan>
Set color blindness compensation and/or simulation (default: normal).
normal: Trichromat
protan: Protanope
deutan: Deuteranope
tritan: Tritanope
Set gamma (default: 2.2).
Specify screen gamma (default: 2.2).
Set gamma correction (default: 1.0).
Set lift (default: 0.0).
Set gain (default: 1.0).
Set color saturation (default: 1.0).
Set color hue shift (default: 0).
Set alpha blending with accumulation buffer (default: 1.0).
Set background color (default: #000000).
Set vertical filter coefficients (default: 1.0).
Each lines are the sum of line n, n+1 and n-1.
  • --vfilter=.5:.25:.25 Typical vertical low-pass filter.
  • --vfilter=.5:.5:.0:.5:.0:.5 2:1 downsampling filter.
Set audio gain (default: 0.75).
Note: GCVideo-DVI v2.4b and earlier reduces volume down to a quarter of this value.
Set sound mode. The default is the Sound Mode system setting (mono or stereo).
mono: Mono downmix
stereo: Stereo
Note: GCVideo-Lite has swapped audio channels.
Use PWM decoder.
Use 2MHz biquad filter (default). Defaults to a second-order low-pass filter with a cut-off of 10kHz and a quality factor of √2 if not specified.
This is used to simulate the RLC circuit on the Game Boy Advance's Headphone Jack, providing a treble boost.
Use low-pass filter similar to the Game Boy Player Start-up Disc.
Set video format. The default is the Video Mode or Progressive Scan Mode system setting (ntsc, pal-60, pal-m, or custom).
ntsc: NTSC-J
pal: PAL-B/G/D/K/I
pal-m: PAL-M
ntsc-50: NTSC-50
pal-60: PAL-60
Note: GCVideo-DVI is only designed to support NTSC-J, PAL-B/G/D/K/I and PAL-60.
AVE N-DOL can only output CVBS or Y/C as NTSC-J, PAL-M or NTSC-50.
AVE P-DOL can only output CVBS as PAL-B/G/D/K/I or PAL-60.
Set screen position. The default is the Screen Position system setting (-32 to +32).
Note: Odd positions will cause CB to be shifted right and CR to be shifted left with GCVideo-Lite or GCVideo-DVI v2.4c and earlier.
The screen position is shifted left by 4 pixels with GCVideo-DVI v2.4d and earlier.
Set screen size. The default is 704:480 for 60Hz formats and 704:576 for 50Hz formats.
Note: 3 pixels on the right edge of the screen are blanked out with GCVideo-DVI v2.4d-2 and earlier.
Set internal resolution (default: 640:480). The maximum is 640:528.
Set scan mode. The default is the Progressive Scan Mode system setting (non-interlace or progressive).
interlace: 15kHz interlaced (480i@60Hz; 576i@50Hz)
quasi-interlace: 15kHz segmented frame (480sf@30Hz; 576sf@25Hz)
non-interlace: 15kHz progressive (240p@60Hz; 288p@50Hz), line halving
non-progressive: 31kHz interlaced (960i@60Hz; 1152i@50Hz), line doubling
progressive: 31kHz progressive (480p@60Hz; 576p@50Hz)
clock2x, no-clock2x
Enable 27MHz pixel clock (default: auto). Enabling doubles the refresh rate for interlace scan modes. Disabling halves the refresh rate for progressive scan modes.
This depend on a compatible video encoder or transmitter not mangling its input.
size2x, no-size2x
Enable 2× video oversampling (default: no). Enabling halves the refresh rate.
This depend on a compatible video encoder or transmitter not mangling its input.
--osd-input[=<x:y>], --no-osd-input
Show input viewer (default: no). Defaults to 0:-64 if not specified.
The position is relative to the center of the Game Boy screen.
  • --osd-input=-96:-64 Show on top left.
  • --osd-input=96:-64 Show on top right.
  • --osd-input=96:64 Show on bottom right.
  • --osd-input=-96:64 Show on bottom left.
--usb, --no-usb
Enable USB Gecko features (default: yes).
--enhance, --no-enhance
Enable Game Boy Player enhancements (default: no). Enabling this option is not recommended.
Title Feature(s)
Drill Dozer Rumble
Game Boy Advance Video Series Not compatible
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga Rumble, reduced contrast
Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire Rumble
Shikakui Atama o Maru Kusuru Advance: Kanji Keisanhen Rumble, restored contrast
Shikakui Atama o Maru Kusuru Advance: Kokugo Sansuu Shakai Rikahen Rumble, restored contrast
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 Rumble, restored gamma
Note: Remove any accessory from the External Extension Connector, or the Rumble Feature will not work.
If you're using an EverDrive-GBA, make sure to turn off Quick Boot in the options, or the enhancements may not work.
Load Game Boy Advance multi-bootable ROM. Using this option is not recommended.
Note: Remove any accessory from the External Extension Connector, or the program will not load.
The e-Reader need to be pulled out slightly from the Game Pak Slot for a program to be loaded and interact with the e-Reader.

Any file path can be relative or absolute. The working directory is the first, non-empty GBI/ directory found in Memory Card Slot A, Memory Card Slot B, Serial Port 2, or GC Loader. The device can be specified with the prefix carda:, cardb:, sd:, or dvd:.


Audio quality

Video quality

Using SSIMULACRA, DSSIM 3.1.0, and FFmpeg 4.4 for SSIM & PSNR, with this reference image.

The analog-to-digital conversion parameters were calibrated for each source and device pair when possible.
This isn't representative of relative signal strength. Sorting by SSIMULACRA provide a fairly accurate ranking.

If you'd like to see additional data or more products tested, please support the author on Patreon.

Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle

Using ADV7180 and ADV7604.

This 10-bit YCBCR 4:2:2 capture device is most representative of what you might see on a digital television.
As chroma is shifted right on YPBPR in/out, this was corrected in post-processing. Video and S-Video in/out suffer from internal interference.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Generic S-Video Cable exhibits a checkerboard pattern when audio isn't connected.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Undesirable first-order hold on chroma samples.
  3. GCVideo-Lite has chroma shifted right.
  4. GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier has CB shifted left in the Green channel of RGB outputs.
Measurements in dB
CVBS Nintendo Stereo AV Cable (NTSC-J) -9.443280 -17.890431 9.109949 25.914712
CVBS Nintendo Stereo AV Cable (PAL-M) -9.428873 -17.863037 9.302333 25.956162
Y/C Generic S-Video Cable (NTSC-J) -10.966444 -21.098313 9.563780 27.243526
Y/C Generic S-Video Cable (PAL-M) -9.879825 -20.381890 8.832792 26.735124
RGBCVS HD Retrovision SNES Component Cable -12.049184 -25.395061 12.242263 30.766373
YPBPR Bitfunx/Kaico GameCube Component Cable & Retro-Bit Retro Prism Component Cable -12.979306 -24.443716 11.923594 29.313640
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -11.821744 -23.767438 11.839441 30.134315
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -11.769820 -24.151848 11.989788 30.125775
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -12.746581 -25.498166 11.946129 30.789679
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -12.811852 -26.467251 12.092401 30.922875
YPBPR GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later + Portta HDMI to YPbPr Converter -12.670721 -26.209114 12.226747 31.142571
YPBPR Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable -11.705088 -24.023763 12.298049 30.133896
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -12.860946 -25.180008 12.475396 30.409172
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier -12.332234 -25.881394 13.828852 31.589915
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v2.4b and later -13.341432 -27.178640 14.350780 31.609022
TMDS EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HDMI Cable -13.370337 -27.593075 14.096536 30.832364
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later -14.232523 -28.390246 15.201701 32.208178

"Can't Link"

Using MS2109.

Measurements in dB
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later (MJPG) -11.553397 -22.054644 10.982759 28.875378
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later (YUY2) -12.175160 -22.137603 11.301652 28.853936

Datapath VisionRGB

Using AD9887A.

This range of 8-bit RGB 4:4:4 capture cards serve as our reference.

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 EON GCHD Mk-II's analog output suffers from 54MHz and harmonic interference.
  2. GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier has CB shifted left in the Green channel of RGB outputs.
Measurements in dB
RGBCVS HD Retrovision SNES Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -13.877310 -24.976688 14.675611 31.840076
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -13.886768 -28.202696 11.996525 31.871659
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -13.115460 -28.421006 9.733507 31.571932
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + Datel Wii HD Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -12.785571 -25.908537 14.310351 31.523034
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -14.006967 -28.410933 13.844768 32.270490
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -14.121242 -28.337257 13.938489 32.246032
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -13.886076 -28.358456 13.931382 32.180113
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable -14.916203 -28.607593 13.522171 33.765758
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable -14.559903 -29.274162 10.415137 33.530528
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -14.347394 -27.277672 14.834726 33.419798
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable 4× Oversampling ADC -16.113684 -29.259351 15.800996 34.359395
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + Datel Wii HD Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -16.064595 -29.281634 15.561498 34.606121
YPBPR EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HD Retrovision Wii Component Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -15.969469 -29.337858 15.472910 34.553406
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable -14.820156 -28.353505 15.292768 33.665196
YPBPR Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable + RetroRGB Comp2DVI v2.1 -15.687688 -28.821513 15.181974 34.169963
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v2.4a and earlier -12.918718 -26.441514 14.897373 32.201534
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v2.4b and later -14.183042 -28.337421 15.674017 32.422744
TMDS EON GCHD Mk-II v2.4c.2 + HDMI Cable -16.595645 -29.309443 18.384285 34.898211
TMDS GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later -14.217659 -28.314211 15.630625 32.150042

Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1850

Using CX23888.

This 8-bit YCBCR 4:2:2 capture card show the advantages of 3D comb filtering.

Hyperkin 3-in-1 HDTV Cable

Measurements in dB
Y/C Nintendo GameCube (NTSC-J) Not a Number Not a Number Not a Number Not a Number
Y/C Nintendo GameCube (PAL-M) Not a Number Not a Number Not a Number Not a Number

Sound emulation

Mega Man Zero 2

Pokémon Sapphire

3D lookup table

Pokémon Sapphire

Color blindness

Pokémon Puzzle Challenge

Color matrix

Golden Sun

Mario Kart: Super Circuit

Pokémon Sapphire

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Wario Land 4


Color emulation

Game Boy Advance

GBI Game Boy Advance.png

Using a contrast ratio of 250:1.


Nintendo DS

GBI Nintendo DS.png

Using a contrast ratio of 600:1.


Palm Treo 700p

GBI Palm Treo 700p.png

Using a contrast ratio of 75:1.


PlayStation Portable

GBI PlayStation Portable.png

Using a contrast ratio of 750:1.


Color restoration

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

This game reduces contrast when played with Game Boy Player enhancements.


Super Mario Bros. 3: Super Mario Advance 4

This game reduces gamma when played without Game Boy Player enhancements.


The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages/Seasons

This game reduces gamma when played on a Game Boy Advance. Due to Game Boy Color limitations, only shadows can be restored perfectly.



Game Boy Interface (ultra-low latency)


Game Boy Player Start-up Disc (60Hz)

Included as gbisr.cli.example. Transcribed below for reference.

GBISR Example Configuration.png

Game Boy Player Start-up Disc (50Hz)


Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program

F-Zero Maximum Velocity, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, Mario vs. Donkey Kong and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Metroid Fusion
Wario Land 4 and WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$
Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3

Video optimization

Datapath VisionAV & VisionRGB

GCVideo-DVI v3.0 and later

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 4:3 640×240p119.455 video output.

In the GCVideo menu under "Other settings", set "Enhanced DVI mode" to On.
In the GCVideo menu under "Advanced settings", set "Chroma Interpolation" to On, "Fix resolution" to Off, and "Digital color format" to YC444.

  • Color Adjustments
    • Brightness: 32
    • Contrast: 128
    • Colour Domain: YUV (601) Limited

Datapath VisionRGB

Nintendo GameCube Component Video Cable

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 3:2 240p119.455 (27MHz÷866÷261) video output.

  • Resolution and Refresh
    • Width: 320
    • Height: 240
    • Vertical Refresh: 119.45
  • Video Adjustments
    • Horizontal Position: 85
    • Horizontal Size: 433
    • Phase: 27
    • Vertical Position: 18
    • Black Level: 245
  • Cropping
    • Top: 40
    • Left: 40
    • Width: 240
    • Height: 160
  • Color Adjustments
    • Brightness: 32
    • Contrast: 128
    • Colour Domain: YUV (601)
    • Colour Balance
      • All Colors
        • Brightness: 32
        • Contrast: 128
      • Red
        • Brightness: 158
        • Contrast: 158
      • Green
        • Brightness: 174
        • Contrast: 142
      • Blue
        • Brightness: 150
        • Contrast: 128

Open Source Scan Converter

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 3:2 240p59.7276 (13.5MHz÷866÷261) video output. Refer to FirebrandX for Open Source Scan Converter configuration.

Included as gbisr-ossc.cli, gbisr-ossc.dol+cli and gbisr-ossc.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Important: Misuse will result in the wrong aspect ratio. These settings are mutually exclusive with a secondary display.

RetroTINK-5X Pro

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 3:2 240p59.7387 (13.5MHz÷856÷264) video output.

Included as gbisr-xrgb.cli, gbisr-xrgb.dol+cli and gbisr-xrgb.gci. Transcribed below for reference.

Insurrection Industries Carby Component Cable

Important: Misuse will result in the wrong aspect ratio. These settings are mutually exclusive with a secondary display.

In the RT5X menu, set "Output Res." to 1080p (UNDER), "H. Sampling" to Generic 4:3, "Interpolation" to Sharp, and "Video LPF" to Light.

XRGB-mini Framemeister

These settings provide a 1× scaled image in a 3:2 240p59.7387 (13.5MHz÷856÷264) video output. Refer to FirebrandX for XRGB-mini Framemeister configuration.

Included as gbisr-xrgb.cli, gbisr-xrgb.dol+cli and gbisr-xrgb.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Important: Misuse will result in the wrong aspect ratio. These settings are mutually exclusive with a secondary display.

Computer monitors (Liquid-crystal display)

These settings provide a 2× scaled image in a 4:3 640×480p59.7276 video output.

In the GCVideo menu under "Advanced settings", set "Chroma Interpolation" to On, "Fix resolution" to Off, and "Digital color format" to RGB-F.


High-definition televisions


These settings provide a 3× scaled image, line doubled in a 16:9 720×960i59.7188 video output.

Included as gbisr-gcdv.cli, gbisr-gcdv.dol+cli and gbisr-gcdv.gci. Transcribed below for reference.


Change the Aspect Ratio on the television to 16:9.

To improve the picture further, in the GCVideo menu under "Other settings", try setting "Enhanced DVI mode" to Off. You will lose embedded digital audio.

Labeling the input on the television as a PC may also work.

These settings provide a 3× scaled image in a 16:9 720×480p59.7276 video output.


Change the Aspect Ratio on the television to 16:9.

Video output

120Hz black frame insertion


480p hybrid scanlines


480p simple scanlines


Video scaling

4:3 fullscreen (Game Boy Advance)


4:3 fullscreen (Game Boy Color)


16:9 fullscreen



Progressive scan (720x480p)

How do I change Game Paks?

  1. Hold the Reset Button.
  2. Slide the Game Pak Ejector.
  3. Insert a Game Pak into the Game Pak Slot.
  4. Release the Reset Button.

Can I play Game Boy Advance Video?

Yes. You can do so by disabling Game Boy Player enhancements (--no-enhance, or "Rumble: No" in Swiss), or holding a direction while the Game Boy Player logo is visible.

What is the default video output?

  • Interlaced Scan Mode: 1× in 4:3 720×240p59.8261 (reported by GCVideo-DVI as 704x240p60)
  • Progressive Scan Mode: 2× in 4:3 720×480p59.7276 (reported by GCVideo-DVI as 704x480p60)

Why am I seeing a double split image?

Either progressive scan mode is enabled or, if using GCVideo-DVI, line doubling is by default.

If line doubling is at fault, the picture may also be scrolling with a slant.

Why is my AV to HDMI converter cycling through video standards?

It's confused by the PAL-60 composite video signal being output by your PAL console.

As a workaround, you can set 50Hz Mode (--format=pal, or "Video Format: PAL" in Swiss). This has no effect on the game speed, but will appear stuttery.

Why is the picture blown out on my PAL console?

This is the result of using a cable intended for a NTSC console, typically aftermarket, on a PAL console.

Back when the AV Multi Out was first introduced, the PAL region had some passive components moved out of the system and into the cable.

As a workaround, you can halve vertical filter coefficients (--vfilter=.5). Using this workaround is not recommended on the long term.

Why is the input viewer barely visible on my capture?

If the input viewer has no discernible shape on black or white backgrounds, this is caused by a configuration issue.

If you're using analog video, set the video standard as "NTSC_M_J" rather than "NTSC_M" in the filter properties.

If you're using digital video, set the color range to full rather than partial. If this doesn't work, in the GCVideo menu under "Other settings", set "RGB Limited Range" to On.

How do I verify my Game Boy Advance ROM?

Original, counterfeit or reproduction cartridge

  1. Remove any accessory from the External Extension Connector.
  2. Hold Start + Select while the Game Boy logo is visible.
  3. Wait until the checksum is computed.
  4. Compare with No-Intro's DAT-o-MATIC.
  5. Press any button to continue.


  1. Turn off Quick Boot.
  2. Select the ROM file.
  3. Remove any accessory from the External Extension Connector.
  4. Hold Start + Select while the Game Boy logo is visible.
  5. Wait until the checksum is computed.
  6. Compare with No-Intro's DAT-o-MATIC.
  7. Press any button to continue.

EZ-Flash Omega

  1. Select the ROM file.
  2. Press L + A on Clean Boot.
  3. Remove any accessory from the External Extension Connector.
  4. Hold Start + Select while the Game Boy logo is visible.
  5. Wait until the checksum is computed.
  6. Compare with No-Intro's DAT-o-MATIC.
  7. Press any button to continue.

How do I re-enable the dumping utility?

Pass default.mb.gz as command-line argument.


May–June, 2022

  • Added direct color palette setting.
  • Added turbo button.
  • Updated GBA ROM checksummer.
  • Improved SD card compatibility.
  • Changed reset combo to exit on hold.
  • Relaxed U+D/L+R cancelling.
  • Fixed minor issues.

January, 2022

  • Added color blindness filters.
  • Added L/R Buttons filtering control.

December, 2021

  • Added hue/saturation controls.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.
  • Enabled input viewer to be out of bounds.

November, 2021

  • Added quick color profiles.
  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.
  • Updated GBA ROM checksummer.
  • Fixed issues with GC Loader.

August, 2021

  • Disabled GBC widescreen mode.

June, 2021

  • Added GC Loader 2.0.0 write support.
  • Improved GBA anti-sleep mode.
  • Fixed hang in AGB Aging Cartridge.

February–April, 2021

  • Added control type E² and E³.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.

January, 2021

  • Added all devices search for GBI directory.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.
  • Improved GBA multiboot support.

December, 2020

  • Added return to loader support.
  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.
  • Improved system stability.
  • Improved SD card compatibility.
  • Changed default video format to avoid PAL-M with digital AV.
  • Changed default 3D LUT order to GBR.

May–June, 2020

  • Added control type E¹.
  • Added disc spin-down.
  • Added GC Loader read-only support.

April, 2020

  • Changed default color matrix to GBI's original.
  • Changed default sound mode to analog.
  • Fixed Game Boy Player settings validation.

January–March, 2020

  • Improved SD card compatibility.
  • Reduced reset delay.

October, 2019

  • Added N64 Controller support.
  • Added GBA anti-sleep mode.
  • Added subfolder search for GBI directory.

August–September, 2019

  • Added Game Boy Player settings validation.
  • Fixed default SD card with bad program name.

July, 2019

  • Added SD2SP2 support.
  • Fixed hang with no SD card inserted.
  • Fixed hang upon SD card reinsertion.

June, 2019

  • Improved video rendering.
  • Renamed oversample scaler to area.
  • Changed default scaler to area.

May, 2019

  • Added GBA ROM checksummer.
  • Added 960i and 1152i video modes.

April, 2019

  • Fixed fade with background color set.
  • Fixed a power issue.
  • Enabled USB Gecko standard output.

March, 2019

  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.
  • Fixed Super Game Boy password order.
  • Fixed NTSC 50 composite video.

August, 2018

  • Updated color matrices by Pokefan531.
  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.

July, 2018

  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.
  • Disabled component video DAC oversampling.

June, 2018

  • Added analog sound emulation.
  • Added Custom-M video format.
  • Added Custom interlaced video modes.
  • Merged vertical filter controls.
  • Changed brightness/contrast controls to match BT.1886.
  • Fixed some audio bugs.
  • Enabled progressive scan in more cases to prevent display issues.

May, 2018

  • Added Super Game Boy color palette setting.
  • Changed scan mode semantics.
  • Fixed Game Boy Player advertisement.
  • Fixed rumble protocol handshake.

April, 2018

  • Added movie recording/playback.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.

March, 2018

  • Added control swapping for SNES Controllers.
  • Added framebuffer size/offset setting.
  • Replaced sample aspect ratio with scaled size.
  • Improved per-field filtering in single-buffered mode.
  • Improved multiboot implementation.
  • Improved Game Boy sound quality.
  • Improved audio rendering.
  • Reduced audio latency.
  • Fixed SD card compatibility.
  • Fixed multiboot to rumble protocol transition.
  • Disabled default multiboot.

February, 2018

  • Added background color setting.
  • Added video buffering setting.
  • Added input viewer.
  • Added color matrix from Gambatte.
  • Added mono sound mode.
  • Added 3D LUT auto-generation.
  • Added GBR/BGR LUT order support.
  • Added per-field gamma correction control.
  • Changed some argument semantics.
  • Fixed per-field settings with default video mode.
  • Fixed wiiload autoboot with tiny GBA multiboot ROMs.
  • Disabled machine checks.

January, 2018

  • Updated 3D LUTs by Pokefan531.
  • Improved Game Boy Player driver.
  • Changed default component video modes.
  • Tweaked control type C.

September, 2017

  • Added overlay scale setting.
  • Added Logitech Speed Force support.
  • Added Active Life Mat support.
  • Improved Game Boy Player driver.
  • Changed zoom scale.
  • Changed wiiload server to accept oversized DOLs.
  • Fixed one random kernel crash.
  • Fixed scaling without a 3D LUT.

August, 2017

  • Added DK Bongos support.
  • Adapted control type C for Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2.
  • Added control type D for The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
  • Added per-field vertical filter control.
  • Added PNG 3D LUT support.
  • Added LUTs by Pokefan531.
  • Added LUTs from the 3DS Virtual Console.
  • Improved Game Boy Player driver.

July, 2017

  • Added CLI append support.
  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.
  • Changed reset combo behavior.

June, 2017

  • Added zoom & rotate.
  • Added reset delay.
  • Added reset combo.

April, 2017

  • Added component video DAC oversampling.
  • Added reset fade effect.
  • Added TPL overlay support.

March, 2017

  • Added rumble, disabled by default.
  • Added USB Gecko wiiload server.
  • Added Xboo Communicator.

February, 2017

  • Added volume control.
  • Added per-channel settings where possible.
  • Changed volume to 75% to mitigate clipping.

November, 2016

  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.

September, 2016

  • Added video options.
  • Added control schemes.
  • Added polling rate setting.

May, 2016

  • Updated GBA-as-GC controller.
  • Improved Game Boy Player driver.
  • Fixed WaveBird Controllers.

April, 2016

  • Replaced GBA-as-controller with GBA-as-GC controller.

March, 2016

  • Added U+D/L+R cancelling.
  • Added GBA-as-controller support.
  • Recognized a half press of the analog triggers.

August, 2015

  • Added executable compression.
  • Added memory card distribution files.
  • Reduced coil whine.

July, 2015

  • Fixed Game Boy Player detection.