NPDP Cartridge

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Revision as of 09:48, 17 October 2012 by Emu kidid (talk | contribs)
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NPDP Cartridges placeholder page.

Internally the Hard disk is 6GB by default. A larger HDD can be used but the game offets are hardcoded at 0x200000, 0x59200000, 0xB2200000, 0x10B200000.

The hard disk is locked with a master password at the high security level. The password is 'N-PDP Master Passwd', and it can depend on your view if you need to byteswap it or not.

The games (not in between areas) are XOR'd with a 32bit key which is seeded by 0xDEADBEEF + the response from either 0x12 or NPDP-ID command sent to the card - need to confirm this part. After applying the XOR to get the decypted content, you need to byteswap the dump to get it into proper format.