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GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:19 am
by emu_kidid
Can't believe 11 years ago to this day I played Wave Race Blue Storm, Luigi's Mansion and Rogue Leader for the first time, and was introduced to my favourite console.

The GameCube was the first thing that really got me interested in low level coding, learning about and working with hardware through software, etc, it really changed my outlook on programming, and has attributed to making me the programmer that I am today (I make a living as a programmer for those who didn't know).

I wouldn't have guessed that 11 years later, I'd be running a website dedicated to the thing. Shame that at the moment I don't even have a proper GameCube setup at home, just a stupid Wii :P

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:00 am
by AC_Orange
Has it been 11 years, went so fast.
I couldn't afford one on launch day, bought a second hand one a few months later. Had fun discussing the games and reading about anything Gamecube related. Exciting times :)

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:00 am
by MockyLock
If I can remember, the GameCube was launched in France on May, the 3rd.
I had preordered one and the game shop where i did preorder organized a special "preorder VIP event" after closing.
Some drink, some food and some Cube :)
My first "emotion" with the GameCube was Luigi's Mansion.
It's funny 'cause i played Luigi's mansion 3DS this wednesday, and I had a little "nostalgia heart beat".

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:31 am
by Cubelover
I remember picking up my first Metroid Prime Gamecube Bundle for I think €200 or €250 back in the day. I didn't had enough money for a memory card so I played it without one and boy, it was an epic feeling.

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 12:16 pm
by AC_Orange
The Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disks were really cool, wait still are
I remember playing a demo of Metroid Prime and admiring the graphics and sound, same went with Zelda, Pikmin...

The new Mario game was the most anticipated release for me from the start, overall it was a bit of a let down. Still the demo disk I played before the retail release and later acquirement of the same is still memorable.

Don't know if I have said this already but a friend had bought a Gamecube on launch and came straight to my house to test it out, the only game he bought was Star Wars Rogue Squadron which was a total disappointment. Couldn't admire the mighty GC properly.

The Resident Evil which I hired from Blockbuster was the first game I played on my Gamecube, it was amazing, and frustrating trying to finish it without the memory card :)

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 2:26 pm
by MockyLock
It's strange but for me, Star Wars was not disappointing at all...
About Cube and related, I remember i bought a Qoob Pro in the earlier days, quite expansive at this time.
And you know what ? I still have a Game Cube Wind Waker pack still brand new I bought the release day. I remember the earlier Zelda, with realistic graphic, and the total disappointment when i saw the cell-shade toon style... This has been discussed with my friends many many many times :) Obviously, once i played it, i was completly turned on..

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 11:17 pm
by AC_Orange
I didn't really say Star Wars was bad graphically or any other way, it was just never my thing :)
Yes I was a bit disappointed with Zelda initially but soon as I saw more footage and videos I was sold

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 5:20 am
by noobcube
Although I now have a Wii, the Gamecube is the last gaming system that I felt any excitement about. The Gamecube Zelda and Metroid games remain favorites, and I've never really warmed up to the Wii's motion controls. In large part, I use my Wii as a Gamecube substitute, as my old Gamecube's laser is failing.

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 12:47 pm
by HomelandReloaded
I agree. I hardly ever used the Wii, but now I've got a WiiU with HD and a Pro controller it's different. The performance doesn't doesn't compare to a kilowatt-kiddy gaming rig, but it's good in its own way. I put the GamePad in its stand beside the main display and find it very useful, but not as a game controller (too heavy).

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 5:04 pm
by Nukatha
Here's to many years of the reliable cubic console!

Internet and LAN capability, the greatest controller ever, No DRM, no firmware updates to interfere with homebrew, functional emulators of ALL previous consoles, Game-boy compatibility, and the polygon count record of its generation (Rebel Strike). Its an absolutely wonderful beast of a home console.

Here's to hoping Nintendo wises up and releases a Gamecube controller for the Wii U before the next smash bros game. I suppose its not bad if the big N doesn't though, I know someone will build their own adapters I can buy. Heck, I might even just get into building my own.

Re: GameCube release day (AUS) was 11 years ago today

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 1:06 pm
by liquitt
holy shit i'm getting old!