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XenoGC Audiofix problems...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:26 pm
by DragonBoy
I have just installed a XenoGC inside my cube with the Xenoshell displaying version 1.05... (So I suppose that it is a Xenogc 2.0...?). My problem is that the drive stops on audio streaming games like Naruto and Crazy Taxi... As soon as the main menu of the game starts (that's where I thing the audio starts to stream) the drive stops!!! I tried to toggle the joysticks left or right while booting etc etc but nothing seems to happen! Also I want to note that both games are on multigame discs... Any ideas on how to fix the issue? Thank you!

Re: XenoGC Audiofix problems...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:33 pm
by emu_kidid
Burn them individually. The problem is that MultiGame disc compilations will not ensure that the audio files within the ISOs are aligned to a 32Kb sector boundary. The disc will only be able to stream files that are 32Kb aligned. You might be able to fix this by using FSTFIX with the option to align EVERY file to the 32Kb sector boundary and make sure all overall sizes are multiples of 32Kb (although the MultiGame disc compiling program should handle that).

Re: XenoGC Audiofix problems...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:39 am
by DragonBoy
Thank you very much for the answer! :D I have used Viper Multi Boot ISO Creator V1.3b. The discs work fine with my other cube which has a Viper chip installed. The only problem is with XenoGC. I'll also try FSTFIX and see what happens... Do you know if I use it after I have created the multidisc iso or on each of the audiostream isos individually before I compile them...?

Re: XenoGC Audiofix problems...

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:55 am
by emu_kidid
Each individually only. Viper GC has additional offset commands to allow audio streaming from more areas

Re: XenoGC Audiofix problems...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 7:34 am
by DragonBoy
Thank you very much! I'll experiment with another disc and post the result... :)

Re: XenoGC Audiofix problems...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:52 am
by DragonBoy
Right... I tryed to use FSTFIX on the first 2 Naruto Jap games and then put them on a multigame disc. The screen freezes as soon as I press START at the menu screen on both the Viper and the XenoGC cubes. (I want to mention that both naruto images were taken from an already made, fully working multigame disc with the "unmulti" program, then used FSTFIX.) So I suppose that if I want an audio stream game on the xeno cubes I'll have them on single discs... :P