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Freeze After Restart

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:06 am
by Metal Ghost
Hi everyone! I’m trying to help someone out with a problem they’re having with their GameCube. From the owner:

“I have an original GameCube that I bought second hand about 20 years ago, and it has always had the following problem: When first powering up, it works fine. I can play any game, even for 3 hours or longer just fine. But after I power it off, I have to wait a while. When I power on again, the power light flashes for a second then goes off. Fan stays on but nothing (no screen, no spinning, etc.). If I shut down for a half hour or so and it works again. As soon as I power down again, I have to wait another half hour or so to play again.

What do you think it can be? It never powers off once it's up and running, so that's weird that it won't start after it's been on. Only after I power off does it give me a problem. My power supply is from a third party company, so could that be it? I just ordered an OEM, official one off eBay today. Do you think that was it, or something else? Hopefully, the power supply that I just ordered will ship ASAP.”

I thought that since it’s been doing it since basically it was brand new (even though he bought it used) that the power supply hypothesis was a good one. But what does everyone here think?

Re: Freeze After Restart

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:50 am
by Metal Ghost
Update from the now happy GameCube owner 😀

Update: The OEM power supply came in the mail Thursday while I was about the get ready for work. So I hooked it up and ran it for 30 minutes, and powered down. It started right up again. Sweet, but I had no time to test more. So when I got home, I ran it for over 3 hours, powered down, and swapped games. Still powers right on, so the problem seems to have been solved.

Moral of the story: don't use cheapo power supplies. :)

Re: Freeze After Restart

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:39 pm
by Papy.G
OEM accessories usually rock!