Slightly damaged component cable

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Slightly damaged component cable

Post by maffatil » Sat Jul 03, 2021 2:31 am

So I have component cable with an intermittent break in the banding(?) on the left side of my picture. I know how to fix it, cut it open, find the break, patch, seal it back up. HOWEVER, this being a Gamecube component cable, I'd rather not just tear into it and then cover it with electrical tape. Does anyone know of any minimally destructive method(s) to fix it? My best idea so far is to carefully slice it down the side on the seam and then carefully glue it back together; I overall want to keep the look of the cable as it is since they're so coveted.
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Re: Slightly damaged component cable

Post by Papy.G » Sun Jul 04, 2021 2:47 pm

I don't see anything broken in your picture, but I can tell you vinyl glue (for wood) can be quite helpful to repair electrical cable protection, (IE: when your rat or rabbit bite it).
If you have an electrical issue (problem with console display), you may need to open the cable, and you'll end up with a quite noticeable repair anyways.
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